Fraud Alert

Beware of the Latest Trending Scams


Stay in the know to protect yourself and your money from fraudsters.


1. “I thought it was someone from the bank!”

Scammers are professional imposters. They will pretend to be a representative from 360FCU, a utility company, even a family member. 360FCU will never reach out to a member asking for personal information especially login credentials. If you are unsure, call us 860-627-4200.


2. “They said I had an overdue bill.”

Scammers will try to get you to panic and over react without thinking it through. SOme examples could be, a loved one in trouble, a late bill or an amazing deal. Even winning the lottery! These are all tactics to throw you off.


3. “They needed my account information right away!”

Scammers want your money fast! They will tell you to send funds immediately either via wire transfer or cash apps like Zelle, Venmo, etc. This makes it harder to recover any lost funds.


4. “They were so friendly!”

Social media is often a scammers hunting ground. They will try to befriend you, create a relationship and then trick you into exclusive “deals” or get rich quick schemes.


How to Protect Yourself:

  • Don’t disclose any financial information including security codes, account info, passwords of PINs. 360FCU will not call or text you asking for these.
  • Do not click links in unsolicited emails or text messages.
  • Verify requests for money by contacting the company directly.
  • Research all sellers and deals found on social media before you make a purchase.





360FCU will never reach out to members asking for personal information – especially login credentials. If you think you may have been a victim of the scam, contact us immediately at 800.544.4728 for assistance in shutting down the scammer.